Taralli is an old italian recipe, originally from Puglia. I’ve seen this recipe on TV and I knew that it’s a must do recipe. Taralli are quite easy to do. It’s all about a simple, no knead, unleavened dough, with little ingredients such as: flour, extra-virgin olive oil, white wine and salt. The dough can be flavored with fennel, thyme, caraway or any other seeds we like. I’ve chosen my favorite flavor: caraway.
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500 gr white plain flour
1 pinch of salt
200 ml white dry wine
100 ml extravirgin olive oil
fennel/caraway/thyme seeds
Put the flour into a large bowl. Make a well in the center of the flour and add the olive oil, wine and salt. Combine the ingredients and knead until the mixture becomes an even dough. Add the desired flavor. If necessary, add a little water and continue kneading until the dough is smooth. Cover the dough with plastic wrap and leave it at room temperature for half hour.
Put the dough on the lightly floured worktable. Take walnut-sized pieces of dough and shape into thin ropes about 9-10 cm long, then bring the ends together by pressing lightly to form a tea-drop shape. These is what we call a taralli. Put the taralli aside. Continue with the rest of the dough. Cover the taralli with a clean towel to prevent drying.
In the meanwhile bring a 2-3l pot of water to boil. Put 10-15 of the taralli into the water and leave them there until they start to float on the surface. Remove them from water with a slotted spoon and transfer them to a clean and dry towel.
Preheat the oven at 200 Celsius and prepare a large tray with baking paper. Put the taralli on the baking paper and bake in the preheated oven for about 20-25 minutes, until lightly golden. When ready, transfer them to a cooling rack.
Tarrali are really easy to do and can feed the whole family. They are excellent with a glass of white wine or cold beer. Enjoy!
Reteta in romana
Taralli – covrigei italienesti – este o retete veche din Italia, din reguinea Puglia mai exact. Am vazut aceasta reteta la TV si mi-am spus ca trebuie neaparat sa o incerc. Taralli sunt chiar simplu de facut. Este vorba de un aluat simplu, cu putine ingrediente, si care se poate aromatiza dupa preferinta. In principiu este vorba de faina, ulei de masline, sare si vin. Aroma vine de la semintele puse: chimen, fenicul, ardei iute, cimbru sau orice alta aroma va place. Eu am incercat taralli cu aroma mea preferata si anume chimenul.
500 gr faina 000
1 praf de sare
200 ml vin alb demisec
100 ml ulei de masline
seminte de cimbru/chimen/fenicul
Punem faina intr-un bol incapator. Facem o adancitura in mijloc si adaugam uleiul de masline, sarea si vinul. Incepem sa framantam usor pana cand obtinem un aluat omogen. Adaugam aroma preferata ( chimen in cazul meu ) si putina apa daca este cazul si continuam framantarea pana cand obtinem un aluat elastic si omogen. Acoperim aluatul cu folie alimentara si-l lasam la temperatura camerei pentru jumatate de ora.
Rasturnam aluatul pe masa de lucru foarte putin infainata. Rupem bucatele de marimea unei alune si ii dam forma unei sfori de lungime 9-10cm. Unim capetele sforii, apasam usor, pentru a obtine forma unei picaturi de ploaie. Aceasta forma este de fapt ceea ce numim taralli. Continuam la fel cu restul aluatului. Acoperim taralli cu un prosop curat pentru a preveni uscarea.
Intre timp punem o oala de 2-3l cu apa la fiert. Cand da in clocot luam cate 10-15 bucati de taralli si-i punem in apa. Ii lasam acolo pana cand se ridica la suprafata apoi ii scoatem cu o spumiera si ii transferam pe un prosop curat si uscat. Repetam procedeul cu restul de covrigei.
Preincalzim cuptorul la 200 de grade si tapetam cu hartie de copt tava mare de la cuptor. Punem taralli in tava si-i coacem in cuptorul incins timp de 20-25 de minute, pana cand se rumenesc usor. Cand sunt gata ii transferam pe un gratar la racit.
Sunt niste covrigei usor de facut si spornici. Merg excelent alaturi de un pahar de vin sau o bere rece. Enjoy!
tare buni trebuie sa fie, la cat de frumosi sunt!
Eu sunt o mare consumatoare de taralli dar spre rusinea mea nu i-am facut niciodata acasa. Poate pentru ca aici gasesc foarte multi buni, buni. Ai tai arata fantastic, Paula. Pupicei