Prajiturile fara coacere vor fi la mare cautare in anotimpul cald. Mie imi place mult sa experimentez cu acest gen de prajituri iar pentru azi va propun o reteta de cheesecake fara coacere. Are o crusta delicioasa de biscuiti Maria fara Gluten de la Dr Schar, urmeaza o crema grozav de aromata de capsune cu frisca. Ultimul strat e cel cu branza si frisca marmorat cu jeleu de capsune. Reteta este simplu de facut, oricine poate urma intructiunile si va ajunge la un rezultat minunat: cheesecake cu capsune fara coacere!
Acest cheesecake este unul special. Special pentru ca este un produs fara gluten, iar luna mai este luna internationala fara gluten. Asadar in aceasta luna am sa incerc sa gatesc cat mai multe produse fara gluten. Provocarea aceasta am acceptat-o la invitatia Ruxandrei, care in colaborare cu Dr Schar au initiat o campanie “MAI aproape de sanatate. Luna fara gluten Schar”. Multumesc mult de invitatie si ma bucur ca pot sa particip!
Recipe in english is below >>
150 gr biscuiti clasici Maria Dr. Schar
70 gr unt
3 linguri lapte
1 lingura ghimbir razuit
300 gr capsune + 3 linguri zahar
400 ml frisca
200 gr crema de branza + 2 linguri zahar pudra
100 ml lapte
1 lingura suc de lamaie
1 lingurita pudra de ghimbir
2 lingurita extract de vanilie
1 lingura zahar pudra
12 gr gelatina
Timp de preparare: 1 ora Timp de asteptare: 3-4 ore Nr portii: 12
Biscuitii ii macinam marunt. Adaugam peste ei untul topitm ghimbirul razuit, laptele si amestecam. Ungem cu unt o tava de 20cm diametru. Taptam baza tavii cu hartie de copt. Punem biscuiti pe fundul tavii si apasam bine cu dosul unui pahar. Dam crusta la rece pana preparam crema.
Crema. Capsunele le spalam bine, le rupem frunzulitele si le punem in blender. Facem un piure fin. Punem 7 gr gelatina la hidratat in 30 ml apa.
Punem piureul de capsune pe foc impreuna cu ghimbirul pudra. Il incalzim bine apoi oprim focul. Adaugam 1 lingurita extrat de vanilie si gelatina. Amestecam bine si dam la rece.
Punem 5 gr de gelatina in 30 ml apa rece. Laptele il incalzim bine pe foc mic apoi oprim focul. Crema de branza o mixam impreuna cu 2 linguri de zahar. Adaugam gelatina peste laptele cald apoi crema de branza si amestecam in nou. Lasam la racorit.
Smantana pentru frisca o mixam impreuna cu o lingura de zahar pudra pana devine o spuma bat.
Punem 100 gr de crema de capsune deoparte. Restul de crema o amestecam cu jumatate din cantitatea de frisca. Punem crema astfel obtinuta peste crusta si dam la congelator pentru jumatate de ora. Crema de branza o amestecam cu restul de frisca si o lasam deoparte.
Scoatem prajitura de la congelator si turnam deasupra crema de branza. Din loc in loc punem o lingura din crema de capsune pusa deoparte. Marmoram usor cu varful unui cutit. Dam tava la rece pana o doua zi.
Ornam prajitura cu capsune proaspete si o feliem cu ajutorul unui cutit cu taisul fierbinte. Este un deliciu de cheesecake. Enjoy!
Recipe in english >>
No bake cakes are a must do in hot season. I enjoy playing with favors on such kind of cakes and for today I have a special no bake cheesecake. It’s about an easy crust with Dr Schar gluten free cookies, a strawberry cream. The top layer it’s the cream cheese one swirled with strawberry jelly. Recipe is easy to follow and the result is more than delicious: no bake strawberry and ginger cheesecake!
This cheesecake is a special one. And I say special because it’s gluten free. May it’t the international gluten-free month and I’ll try to focus on gluten-free recipes. I’ve accepted this challenge on Ruxandra’s invite. Dr. Schar and Ruxandra have a nice campain “MAY closer to health. Dr. Schar gluten free month” and I am really glad to join it.
150 gr classic cookies Maria Dr. Schar
70 gr butter
3 tablespoons milk
1 tablespoon grated ginger
300 gr strawberries + 3 tablespoons sugar
400 ml whipping cream
200 gr cream cheese + 2 tablespoons powdered sugar
100 ml milk
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon ginger powder
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 tablespoon powdered sugar
12 gr powdered gelatin
Process biscuits until fine crumbs. Add the melted butter, grated ginger and milk and combine. Grease a 20 cm round pan. Cover the bottom with baking paper. Put the crumbs over the base of the pan and press them with a glass. Put the crust into the refrigerator while making the cream.
Cream. Wash the strawberries and remove the leaves. Mix them in the blender. Put 7 grams of gelatin into 30 ml of cold water.
Put the strawberry puree and the powdered ginger into a pan on low heat. When warm, take the pan off. Add one teaspoon of vanilla extract and the gelatin. Stir well to combine. Refrigerate for half an hour.
Put 5 grams of gelatin into 30 ml of cold water. Heat the milk on low heat and set aside. Beat cream cheese, 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar and vanilla until light and fluffy. Add the gelatin and milk and stir well to combine. Set aside to cool down.
Whisk the whipping cream with one tablespoon of powdered sugar cream until light and fluffy.
Put 100 grams of strawberry puree aside. Mix the rest of the puree with half of the whipped cream. Put the strawberry cream over the crust and leave it into the freezer for half an hour. Mi the cream cheese with the other half of the whipped cream and set aside.
Take the pa of the freezer and put the cheese cream on top. Place spoonfuls of reserved strawberry puree on cream cheese mixture. Using a knife, swirl through cheesecake. Refrigerate the cheesecake overnight.
Decorate the cake with fresh strawberries and cut it with a hot edged knife. It’s a great cheesecake. Enjoy!
Noutatea acestei retete este data de ghimbir.Multumesc pentru sfat.
Ador torturile tale si acesta nu face exceptie
Laura, ma bucur mult ca-ti place. Te pup!
Superba prezentarea!
Multumesc mult Cristina. Pupici!
Yummmm, ce-mi place cum arata! De gust nu mai zic nimic, deja imi ploua in gura! Pupici!
Foarte foarte aspectuoasa, in primul rand!
Felicitari ,in primul rand pentru minunatia asta de prajitura !Spune-mi te rog ce diametru are prajitura.
Buna Aura si-ti multumesc mult de tot! Prajitura are 20 cm diametru. Nu le fac mai mari de obicei
Daca te hotarasti sa o faci, astept impresii!
P.S. Doar acum am vazut mesajul tau, sper ca nu am raspuns prea tarziu.
Superb !!! L-am facut cu blat de pandispan din 3 oua la o tava de 20/30 cm pe care l-am insiropat cu cu “sirop” foarte gros din capsuni si zahar.In rest perfect ca in reteta.Bun tare ,fin ,diafan genul de prajitura care nu ai control cata mananci. Imi pare rau ca nu am apucat sa fac poza oricum sa mancat rusinos de repede!!!Multumesc de raspuns oricum.